"Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser. " -Vince Lombardi

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Beginner Stats LoL (no pun intended)

Hey everyone! As you can see in the picture above of my (horrible) LoL stats, I am just a beginner.
 Of course I hope to eventually gain higher levels and play better. However LoL is not exactly a noob
 (beginner) friendly game (imo). The biggest reason for it not being a noob friendly game is the lack 
of information in the tutorials. After playing the tutorial myself I thought I was good to go, and so I 
set off on my journey to obtain greatness in this new world of LoL. However it turned out that online
 is nothing like custom games (games played for fun where no penalty or experience gained), and no 
where close to the easy going tutorial games. So my first few normal games (games played against 
real people for experience) were, how can say it? HORRIBLE! This game was not made to play on 
your spare time at work, nor for people who don't have 4 other friends to help them along the way.
The game players I have found to be some of the most relentless, and punishing out of any game. 
If you don't play well or mess up just a few times, you will be trash talked like never before (imo). 
Anyhow I did manage to win a few games with the help of some friends, but for the most part was 
on a losing streak unfortunately. However the game does has moments where I enjoyed it (if you 
look above at the 22/0/6) you'll see one time I enjoyed myself. The game has pros and cons just 
like every other game, with the biggest con being the learning curve (imo). However the game has 
potential and addictiveness to keep you coming back for more (even if you are a noob like me), so 
I would recommend this game to anyone who has patience and very fast reflexes LoL. 

Somewhat Originality
Balanced Gameplay (for the most part)

Huge Learning Curve
Too much Trash Talk
Game can seem like they go on forever
Can't surrender t'ill 25 minutes into the game

On a scale of 1 to 5 I would give LoL a 3


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First Post!

          Hey everyone this is a Jordan here starting my own blog.
As you can tell or have already figured out I'm a huge slacker, and big
supporter of leaving games, or better known as rage quiting. Anyhow
this blog will mostly contain new games I try out and my success or failure
during playing those games, and my thoughts on the game. I will try and update
my blog daily with new posts, so stay posted you slackers!

P.S. I would love you hear your input and thoughts on my posts so feel free
to leave comments